무심코 클릭했다가 시작된 구글 블로그. 무지하게 어렵다.
HTML 은 어떻게 쓰는것이며 command c + v를 반복해서 카테고리를 만들긴했는데
결론은 어.렵.다.
수많은 화려블로그들 사이에 초초초 심플한 내 블로그 생겼다. 끝-
I started my google blog since I closed cyworld minihomepage which was super popular in Korea
roughly 10 years ago. Anyway, my google blog is opened and its very difficult u.u How can I use HTML source, and I made categories right side repeated command c+v again and again. It's super super difficult anyway. My simple blog is opened among a lot of glamorous blogs, and happy I have a blog. bye-
안녕하세요. 반갑습니다.